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Don’t Make These 6 Common Mistakes in Your Work Comp Claim

Spellen Law

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

If you’ve sustained an injury due to a work accident, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim to receive benefits. However, insurance companies can be sticklers in finding the most minuscule mistake to deny your claim. Here are some common errors to avoid.

The Work Accident Report

The initial work accident report has pertinent information related to your injury. Although it’s typically the responsibility of your supervisor or human resources department to complete the report, it’s crucial that you give them as much detail as possible and not omit any information that could be favorable to your workers’ compensation claim.

Missing Information

Missing information is one of the most common mistakes people make when filing a workers’ compensation claim. It’s critical to disclose all information that is requested relating to your injury including:

  • Date, time, and location of the work accident.

  • Names of all witnesses to your injury.

  • Parts of the body that were injured.

  • Supporting medical records and other documentation.

  • Other personal information ( i.e., date of birth and social security number).

Missed Deadlines

Workers’ compensation claims are extremely deadline-driven and not submitting documents and other information on time can cause you to miss out on benefits. The following reports should be submitted promptly when seeking workers’ compensation benefits:

  • Injury/accident report.

  • Workers compensation claim application.

  • Claim appeals — If your initial workers’ compensation claim has been denied, the insurance company will provide you with an appeal deadline date in your denial letter.

Talking to The Insurance Company

There will be instances in which you must speak to the insurance company. However, keep in mind that their job is to find an excuse to deny your claim or to keep your benefit payout to a minimum. If you are unsure about what to expect from a conversation with the insurance company, an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you prepare.

The Doctor’s Report

You will be required to see a doctor selected by your employer for your work-related injury. When seeking treatment and care from a workers’ compensation doctor, it’s important to remember that they are receiving compensation from your employer. Ensure that you review all medical documents submitted by the doctor for accuracy. Share any discrepancies with your workers’ compensation attorney so they can address the issue and avoid future complications.

Not Hiring a Work Comp Attorney

Workers’ compensation law is complex and many injured workers who attempt to go up against the insurance companies alone, often leave themselves open to an unfavorable decision. If you’ve been injured at work and need assistance with a workers’ compensation claim, contact Spellen Law, LLC today at (205) 820-9474 for a free case evaluation. Our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys will fight for the benefits you deserve. We can even help with general personal injury cases. Contact us today!

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