Workers' Compensation Benefits Attorney in Birmingham
Receive the Benefits You Deserve with Help from Spellen Law
The workers' compensation system was implemented as a safeguard for employees who have been hurt on the job. It offers injured workers the opportunity to take advantage of various financial and medical benefits that can help them as they recover.
Unfortunately, the process of obtaining benefits can be extremely complex, difficult, and time consuming-- putting added stress on you and your family. At Spellen Law, we believe that you should not have to fight for your benefits alone. Our experienced attorneys can help you through this challenging time to secure the benefits that will help you move forward after suffering a workplace injury.
What Are Workers' Compensation Benefits?
If you are just beginning the workers' compensation claim process, you might be wondering what benefits generally exist that you may be entitled to receive.
As an injured worker, you may be eligible to receive:
Medical treatment
Payments for time spent out of work recovering
Compensation for any permanent disability you incurred as a result of your injury
Training for a new job if your injury prevents you from performing your old job
Your attorney will assess your situation to determine which benefits to pursue. Your employer's insurance company might try to deny benefits, but we can help fight to protect your rights so that you can receive those to which you are entitled.
We Are in This Together
Because the process of filing for workers' compensation can be extremely demanding and complex, you will want an experienced Birmingham workers' compensation attorney representing you and fighting for your best interests. The road to recovery after a workplace injury can be long and challenging –so don’t go it alone. Trust Spellen Law to fight to protect your rights. Contact us today!